The Seens Stag Committee

Meeting 1 (Inpromtu) Minutes

This was an informal inpromtu meeting, whilst having some post-xmas beers in the pub.

Date : Between Xmas & New Year '08
Location : The Sun Inn, Preston
Secretary : Col Spotweiler Puppy Greenwood (temp)
Present : can't remember exactly

Inaugural Stag Meeting - 27th December 2008 Stag - Mr Andrew David Senior

Mr Senior announced his intention to marry within the forthcoming year.
The committee congratulated him on his splendid idea and vowed to support him in his search to find a willing partner.

Item 1 - Suitability of a bride
The committee requested that a suitable list of potential brides be submitted. Mr Senior suggested the following as possible options ( in no particular order )

1) Miss Nicola Goddard of Preston, formerley of Bristol.
2) Russian Pole Vaulting Bird Tatiana [he means Yelena Isinbayeva - Ed]
3) Jodie Kidd
4) Denise Van Outen
5) Kylie Minogue of Melbourne

The committe resolved to investigate the suitability of each bride and to reply to Mr Senior as to which, if any would be deemed acceptible. In the event if a draw, Mr Senior expressed a preference that Miss Boddard was his currently preferred "Bird".

Next, the committee moved attention to the all important matter of Stag Outfit. The following were proposed

* Brides
* Cheer Leaders
* League of Gentleman Taxi Drivers.
* Witches
* Gimps
* Pillsbury Doughmen
* French Maids
* Snurgle Hounds
* Milk Maids
* Girls Aloud
* Stormtroopers
* Burkha Clad Girl Suicide Bobbers
* Olympic Syncro Swim Team
* Costume Drama Characters. ie. Mr Darcy et al.
* Star Trek

The comitte vowed to assess the suitability of each option and reply for the next committee meeting.

Stag Meeting Location

* Carlisle
* Somewhere in Derbyshire to form the midpoint between all attendees.
It was suggested that Mr Mears attendance set a midpoint of Western Germany and Mr Ryders attendance set a midpoint of Mumbai, which would be duly considered.
* Haworth
* Chesterfield
* Matlock
* Ashby De La Zouch
* Melton Mowbray

Stag Dates

The comittee felt a stag date of mid april would be most suitable, especially with the ski commitments of many of the committee.
With a possible early wedding date of early June.

Mr Senior seemed keen to push a stag date of end of March, thus cusing maxium disruption to the ski season.

Any Other Business
A late suggestion of outfit of Morris Dancers.

Click here or hit the "Stag Events" button at top of page for other stag do pictures.