Date : Fri 8-Jul-05 8pm
Venue : Old Black Bull, a broken bench round the back
Present : Moower, Seens (stand-in secretary, with his alledgedly "gay pencil => gay secretary"), Dutt, Ed, Markage, Iain, Col (eventually)
Apologies : none really - it doesn't count if it's only received when prompted, after forgetting completely. Action Barly / JC - buy a dairy. Or a diary. Whichever helps.
Seens presented his prototype, which Col begrudgingly (he was
driving therefore sober) modelled for the benefit of the Committee and the rest of the beer garden.
Photos (c) Best-Men-Cam Dutt's mobile.
All agreed it was superbly specified, designed and implemented.
As Col managed to get it on and off without much damage,
including a wazzo pair of jugs underneath, the prototype also
passed integration testing. The sides could do with coming in a
bit ("fitted" in girl-speak), tho this this may be solvable
with a belt.
Hats should be held on with ribbon, not elastic.
In a complete U-turn, all agreed that white ankle socks were more convincing for 16 year old birds, and that Seens would price up instead of the more trad fish-nets.
Harrogate has little old lady knitting conventions, with which we would NOT like to clash - ACTION Markage to check
ACTION Dutt to find out.
Dutt sneaked off early to see a suspected bird, possibly a Nowegian fisherwoman whom he met in The Canaries. ACTION Dutt - report on any progress.
As beer took over, the "agenda" slipped gently into religion, Mr Leonardo Davinci, and why Mark's cat having cistitis proved that it was catholic. Apparently Susan (Mark's not Ed's) is not a catholic, but knows someone called Noddy. ? .