The Danny Phillips Stag W/E

Date : Wed 23 - Sat 27 Jan '08
Location : Pas De Le Casa, Andorra
Theme : The Regiment

The Regiment Was :

Name A.K.A Rank/Role
Danny Phillips Stag Colonel (Acting)
Matt Mears Best Man Captain / Organiser
Paul Ribchester Ribsey Lieutenant / Accomodation
Andrew Senior Seens IT & Coms
Colin Greenwood Col Girls Brigade
Andy Archer Little Andy Lofty
Steve Rostron Rosty Personnel Shopper
Paul Barlow Barlymow Lithographer (beer stills & snow videos)
Ken Jervis Fally Over Man French Resistance
Brian Biddlecome Bri Red Leader
Andrew Jenkins Jenks C**t
Wally Walbank Wally Mr Prostitute
Steve Bartlett Barters Mess/Canteen

To The Regiment. I Wish I Was There.

Barlmow's (Official Team Lithographer) Pics

Others' Pics

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